Eco-driving: What is it?
Eco-driving consists of driving in a more ecological way, which is also more efficient and safer. This method can have many benefits, not only for the environment but also for the drivers.
The car manufacturers have been trying to contribute to this practice, by producing more eco-friendly cars, with a minor fuel consumption and emissions of polluting gases.
Drivers also have their role to play, and they should engage in adopting new methods for more ecological driving.

Eco-driving tips
To a more sustainable driving in your day-to-day life, you should adopt more efficient practices.
Here are some Enterprise tips:
Avoid unnecessary consumptions
You should avoid using your vehicle to drive short distances, in this case choose to walk. By doing this, you will be contributing to the environment and also to your health.
Whenever possible, you should share the car with your friends or family or use public transportation. Besides that, you should always plan your trips before leaving, in order to find the best route.
Check the tires pressure
The correct tire pressure allows savings of about 3%. For this reason, you should check your tires pression regularly, in order to avoid too low pressures that increase fuel consumption. If you follow this tip, you will be contributing to an eco-driving.
Don’t overuse the air conditioning
Did you know the air conditioning system increases fuel consumption? For that reason, you should only use the air conditioning when necessary and turn it off as soon as the vehicle’s temperature is stable again.

Regulate your speed
You should always try to drive at a steady pace, maintain a reasonable safety distance, avoid harsh braking and over acceleration. Besides, you could try to adapt your speed to traffic conditions and also avoid constantly changing from lane to lane.
Don’t forget the maintenance
Maintenance is always important, so don’t forget to check the oil level regularly. Frequent maintenance allows you to save on consumption and contributes to eco-driving.
Don’t transport unnecessary loads
Before starting your trip, check if you have anything on the trunk or on the back seats and if you have something you don’t need, put it outside the vehicle. You shouldn’t transport luggage on the car’s roof to avoid interfering with the car’s aerodynamics.
The vehicle´s choice is fundamental
In case you are thinking of changing your car, you should know that the vehicle’s choice is one of the most important elements to a more ecological driving. Choose an eco-friendly car, with lower CO2 emissions and more efficient consumption. You should think the same way when renting a car with Enterprise.
Eco-driving benefits
Apart from allowing greenhouse gases emissions to reduce, eco-driving has many other benefits.
Ecological driving allows you to maximize your vehicle’s performance, optimizing fuel consumption and cutting your costs. Besides that, if you follow our tips, you will be able to enjoy a more silent and safer driving experience.
Practice eco-driving with Enterprise’s help
Now that you know all the tips to a more sustainable driving, you have to put it into practice.
Did you know that Enterprise has several eco-friendly car options available? In your next renting with Enterprise, choose one of these vehicles, follow our tips to eco-driving and enjoy a safer driving experience.